Young graduate in a cap and gown, smilling and holding balloons after IRSC's spring ceremony.

Higher Education

Esteemed Learning Institutions

The Treasure Coast is a community of continuous learners with several local and regional institutions available to help you achieve your goals. Indian River State College, recognized for excellence at both the state and national levels, offers five campuses throughout the region with 150+ industry- and job-focused programs. And if you’re looking to go into family medicine or pediatrics, Florida State University College of Medicine in Fort Pierce offers third- and fourth-year clinical training.

58 Career & Technical programs (St. Lucie Public Schools) St. Lucie County EDC
Aspen Prize Recipient For High Achievement & Performance Among American Community Colleges (Indian River State College) Aspen Institute, 2019
7 Major Educational Institutions Within the Region St. Lucie County EDC